Sunday, July 21, 2024

Stay Tuned...

Stay tuned for an important message...

It's time for an all new Monday Montage Blog Hop!

The Tune In bundle immediately made me think of the old television at my grandma's house and how me and my cousins would fight over who had to get up to change the channel.  Anyone else remember those fights?!?

I pulled out some retro colors of Old Olive, Cajun Craze, Crushed Curry and Pretty Peacock for this card.  The Country Woods DSP was the perfect paper for the television, complete with some gold Textured Metallic rabbit ears!

I had to add little bit of gold to the project in memory of the mirrored wall in my parents old had gold streaks throughout and I thought it was the most beautiful thing ever when I was little!  The Metallic Gems help to pull all of the little bits of gold together in this nostalgic card.

Let's hop on over to see what my friend Cheryl has to share with us!

Happy Stamping!

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