Friday, May 10, 2024

Mix & Match Celebration

Happy Friday friends and welcome to an all new TGIF Challenges Sketch Challenge!

I am usually one to follow a sketch pretty closely, but I went in a little different direction with this one!  All of the elements of the sketch are still you see them?

I am wrapping up the week with one more Mix & Match card using these cute little critters from the Something for Everything Ephemera Pack.  Don't they just make you happy?  

The card base is from the Sunny Springs Cards & Envelope Pack.  The top layer comes from one of the envelopes.  I love how all of these colors coordinate so well!

A sweet and simple sentiment from Simply Said completed the embellishments needed!

I hope my creations this week have inspired you to add the Mix & Match products to your crafty collection.  You won't be disappointed!

Happy Stamping!

Products Used:

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